Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Back.

So, I've returned from a grand adventure in the US of A and with my return home I have felt decidedly re-inspired to begin blogging again. But then again who wouldn't feel inspired after visiting one of the most wonderful cities in the entire universe, aka New York City.

While Los Angeles was part of the trip, it really feels like a blip on the radar compared to my time in NYC. If I had to choose between the East and West Coasts of the USA, I'd have say that I'm definitely an East Coast kind-of person. My sister and I had grand plans to travel to other East Coast locations like Boston or New Haven (potentially even DC) but alas the weather being as unpredictable and miserable as could be put those plans to rest. Though I can't really complain, we were more than happy to stay in NYC the entire time. It doesn't matter how many times you visit you never truly get to see and experience all that New York has to offer. We made a list of things that we had missed out on last year. The list was long - so long in fact that we didn't even get to see/do all the things on there this time around...meaning another trip is in order just as soon I can save up more funds, haha.

I'm still in the process of uploading and organising my photos. So my return to blog-land must end here for now, with the promise of photos (for my friends who have requested that I post some up soon) and some tales from my time in New York.

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