Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I'm in the middle of finals/exams at the moment and once again the procrastination bug has bitten. I absolutely cannot focus. So here I am writing a rather pointless blog about nothing particular interesting. The problem I guess is not so much that I can't focus, but more the fact that having finally gotten around to completing one of my essays I have this over-inflated sense of accomplishment and feel I deserve break.

It's funny how being completely and utterly bored can motivate someone to sit down and actually get something done. That was me yesterday. I got called into work and was in an office all by myself for 4.5 hours. It was almost eerie sitting there all by myself. Even more eerie when the phone rang and pierced the silence. Despite the eeriness it would seem that, that amount of time spent in relative silence and isolation makes for perfect conditions to start and finish an essay.

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