Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bargain Shopping.

Today, after attending various appointments and running several errands, I stopped by the shops, as I usually do. However, unlike other times, as I stepped into the shopping centre it promised to be a rather boring uneventful visit - since I'm currently in the midst of a self-imposed shopping ban following a recent online shopping spree.

As I wandered around I stepped into one of my favourite bookstores and perused the shelves looking wistfully at all the books that are currently on my to-buy list. I tried my luck searching through the bargain bin and ended up buying this for $5:

From reading the back cover it appears to be a typical book from the chick-lit genre. Chick-lit books are one of my guilty pleasures, no matter how frivolous the tale...plus they make for good travel companions!

With my new purchase in hand and adrenaline pumping through my veins, I was on a mission to search for other bargains, which found me buying these:

While I'm not absolutely in love with the necklace or the bracelets I figured they would be useful in bringing some new life to my wardrobe, which won't be seeing any major new additions anytime soon (well, while I'm in frugal, saving-mode anyway). Plus they were only $2 each from $20-$30!!

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