Monday, July 12, 2010

Chai Tea

I took a break from blogging over the weekend. My right arm and hand were out of action thanks to my pierced finger and the pain inducing tetanus shot. The good news is I can now kind of lift my arm up again without severe pangs of pain.

To make myself feel better while recovering I drank a lot of Chai Tea.

When made right I find this drink infinitely comforting (and tasty). I think back to the years when I refused to even try Chai and wonder how I survived. I might add that I've grown up in a culture where tea is not your average cup of black tea (for example, an English Breakfast or Earl Grey blend) but in fact one that is incredibly aromatic and infused with a rich spice-blend of sorts.

These days I'm particular about the balance between the spices, and especially hate it when the cinnamon is overpowering. Unfortunately, this was the case at the new cafe I tried at Sydney's 'Mid-City Centre'. I was baffled as to how the delicate Chai Tea blend available from T2 could be brewed (or rather massacred) to smell and taste so disgusting, but alas it was :(

After giving my throat what I deemed a sufficient break to recover from the burning sensation induced by that fateful cup of tea, I treated myself to one of my favourite versions of the Chai. The Max Brenner White Chocolate Chai. The chocolate in this wonderful concoction takes Chai tea to another level of greatness that I previously thought impossible.

Chocolate AND Chai. What more could you want?

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